hard trance
Albums scraped2021-12-06T01:20:10.054Z
Last updated2021-12-12T04:15:55.895Z
Released at
73Spicelab - Quicksand EP1992
90WestBam - Celebration Generation1993-12
76Mandala - High Noom EP1993
79Cybordelics - Nighthorse1993
85Andy Bernhard - Combine and Destroy1993
87Purple Plejade - Realms Of Human Unconscious1994-06-08
15Legend B - Lost In Love1994
50Acid Junkies - Paranoid Experience1994
66Cybordelics - Fairy Tales1994
89Alec Empire - Generation Star Wars1994
47Jam & Spoon Feat. Plavka - Angel (Ladadi O-Heyo)1995-05-05
46Commander Tom - Volume One1995
72Drax - Amphetamine1995
96Ian Pooley - Chord Memory1996-05
25新居昭乃 - そらの庭1997-10-22
91Various Artists - 16 Years of FINRG1999-02-19
52Cosmic Gate - Rhythm & Drums2001-02-19
18Aquagen - Weekender2002-04-02
37Brooklyn Bounce - Loud & Proud2002-06-17
10DJ Shog - This Is My Sound2002-07-08
70Cosmic Gate - No More Sleep2002-07-08
16Above & Beyond - Far From In Love2002-11-07
49Various Artists - Best Of Aqualoop, Vol. 12002
51Various Artists - Hakkapeliitta compilation volume 12002
100Warp Brothers - Warp 102002
26Scooter - The Stadium Techno Experience (20 Years of Hardcore Expanded Edition)2003-03-31
19DJs @ Work - Some Years Ago2003-12-11
42Scott Brown - This Is Hardcore / Why Should You Live2003
12Ron van den Beuken - Timeless (Keep On Movin')2004-00-00
2DJ Shog - Dream Dance Vol. 462004-05-07
31Nu Nrg - Freefall2004-07-12
97Astral Projection - Ten2004-09-13
57Tiësto - Parade of the Athletes (Unmixed)2004-10-08
801200 Micrograms - The Time Machine2004-12-01
27Yoji Biomehanika - Tales From The Big Room2004
32East Clubbers - E Quality2004
23Kplecraft - Kplecraft2005-05-08
5Jochen Miller - India2005-06-27
78Acidwolf - Legacy (1995-2005)2005-07-04
29Tiësto - Best & New 20052005-07
94Scooter - Mind The Gap (20 Years Of Hardcore Expanded Edition)2005-11-10
74Basslovers United - Insanity2005-12-01
40Armin van Buuren - Sail2006-03-16
48Scooter - Excess All Areas2006-06-02
56Kplecraft - Hamlin2006-11-17
45Pascal F.E.O.S. - Synaptic2006-11-27
54MBF - Home Again EP2006-12-09
44Andy Whitby & Matt Lee - Everybody's Free2006
84Askura Alexander Shkuratov - PORRIDGE2006
7Kplecraft - Multi-Boxer2007-03
33Ben Fraser - Sabretooth Records Showcase2007-05-07
22Nenes & Pascal Feliz - Platinum2007-07-26
13Jochen Miller - Alive2007-10-12
69Leinender - Wastefulness2008-02-15
59Basslovers United - Get Back2008-02-25
68Liquid Soul - Love In Stereo2008-09
24Cécile Corbel - SongBook vol.22008
63Mauro Picotto - Nukleuz Green Vol.32008
8Ephixa - Ephixa Old School2009-02-20
75De-Grees - Circle In The Sand2009-02-23
99Bootleggerz - Future Trance Vol. 472009-03-01
82DJ Zick Finland - Magnacat2009-07-03
3913th Monkey - Redefining The Paradigm Of Bang2009-10-31
98Lips Desire - Electronic Damage2009
83DJ Zick Finland - Cosplay2010-07-03
65Lia - Enigmatic Lia42010-12-28
1W&W - Impact2011-02-07
53Kplecraft - L 0122011-05-31
60Stripe - Energetic Trance Presents StripE Collection2011-11-23
28Manox - Autumn Shine2012-01-27
43De-Grees - Dizzy2012-05-18
67Jason Born - Drive By2012-05-18
88Giorno - Future Trance Vol. 572012-09-07
9Lacuna - Lacuna - Celebrate the summer (Silver Nikan Lowvoice remix)2012-09-21
38Example - Live Life Living (Deluxe Version)2012-11-11
3W&W - Lift Off!2012-12-03
30Basshunter - The Early Bedroom Sessions2012-12-04
34Various Artists - Frantic Web Album2012
92Le Dos-On - Crying Beauty2012
77Ben Nicky - The Bass2013-02-11
4Italobrothers - This Is Nightlife2013-03-15
61E-Partment - Razzamatazz2013-03-15
64TI-MO - Light of Love2013-09-20
86Johan Jello - Back To The Kitchen2013-10-15
21TI-MO - Howling At the Moon2013-11-22
36Stefan Rio - Prove Your Love2013-12-20
71Jens O. - Empty Sheets2014-01-03
14Armin van Buuren - Saturday Night2014-01-06
81Commercial Club Crew - Dance in the Rain2014-01-10
35Fei-Fei - All Day I Dream2014-02-25
62TI-MO - Sign of Life2014-05-23
20Example - Live Life Living2014-07-04
55Cosmic Gate - A State Of Trance 5002014
93Cryostasis - Feierwall2015-03-24
58Scott Brown - return to elysium / ignition2015-04-13
95USAO - ほっち○ぽっち4Beat22015-08-16
17Marco Bailey - Scorpia2017-04-00
11Virtual Self - Virtual Self2017-12-01
6Virtual Self - ANGEL VOICES2018-07-22
41dj-Nate - Best of dj-Nate2019-04-26